Sunday, November 27, 2011

raw apple cake in production

i produced 6 apple cakes and put them up in individual servings (zips)...over 40 servings. great for a meal on the go, snacks and very nutritious. the recipe is here. this time i used i cup of old fashioned whole grain oats for one of the cups of flour called for in original recipe. also seemed the metal pan took 5-7 minutes longer to cook. there was enough ambient heat from the oven at 325 degrees for 3 hours to not need a fire today. it was 53 degrees out today so that's not such a big deal. i would say the second day i had production down to a fairly leisurely 4-5 hours from start till 3 cakes in the freezer and mostly all cleaned up.
raw apple cake in production November 27, 2011

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