Tuesday, November 17, 2009

our symptoms are showing...

i love to catch Kunstler's take on where we stand. i find it a profoundly sad time. as i like to say ....we live in a culture that is populated by a far higher percentage of people who know who levi johnston is, than know who represents them at any level of our self government. and i love Kunstlers', dickens of doom that he is, summation which offers a hopeful "who know"......wheeeeeeeee.... and i always get a new word i have never heard before.

Fate of the Yeast People
By James Howard Kunstler for ClusterFuck Nation

..........The cocoon of normality prevents us from appreciating how peculiar and special recent times have been in this country. We suppose, tautologically, that because things have always seemed the way they are, that they always have been the way they seem. The collective human imagination is a treacherous place.
full post

and i can't help adding this from Mark Morford....i knew when i saw his title it was going to be a good one....

Sex tape tips from Carrie Prejean
Hi, I made a sex tape! Eight, actually! And you can too! Praise the lord!
By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

.......Speaking of sounds, here's some advice I keep hearing over and over in a million different ways. Keep your mouth shut! Ha ha! Get it? I keep hearing that! Me! As if!

full story

and then my fav, Jim Hightower, lands on the greedy selfish folks who are the stars of our national personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, with this precious tale....

Hightower: Obscenely Rich Bankers Claim to Do God's Work -- They Can Go to Hell

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet. Posted November 18, 2009.

........Nonetheless, this clueless clique is actually claiming that we commoners should be applauding the return of their multimillion-dollar bonus bonanzas. Why? Because, they aver, the rich payouts allow them to contribute to charity.

Such narcissism reminds me of a story about a selfish, no-good rich man who died and tried to get into heaven. But you can't just walk through the Pearly Gates. An angel reviews your life, then St. Peter decides if you can enter. To counter the angel's negative review, the rich man argued that he had a history of charitable giving. He'd once tossed a nickel into a beggar's cup, he pointed out. Plus, some years later, he had aided a poor woman by giving her a nickel. Then there was the time he put a nickel into the Salvation Army kettle.

Hearing all this, the angel turned to St. Peter and asked, "What in the world should we do with this man?" And St. Peter said, "Give him back his 15 cents, and tell him to go to hell!"

Now that's a story that these big banksters need to hear -- and ponder.

full article

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