Thursday, March 19, 2009

great news....!

this will be fun to watch and hopefully we will do more planting in our own community.

White House to Plant Organic Vegetable Garden
Written by Elizabeth Balkan Published on March 18th, 2009

Following a 60 Minutes interview with Chez Panisse chef, renowned slow foodist and activist for improved national eating habits in the US, AliceWaters, on Sunday March 15th, wherein she called with continued clarion for an organic garden at the White House, First lady Michelle Obama talked of her plans for the garden in an interview for OprahWinfrey’s O Magazinethat will feature in its April issue.

full article

thanks to Sherry for sending this...i say keep your crop production products away from our planet earth......

Organic White House Garden Puts Some Conventional Panties in a Twist
by: Jill Richardson
Sat Mar 28, 2009 at 12:47:36 PM PDT
In the aftermath of breaking ground on the new, 1100 square foot White House garden, Michelle Obama named chef Sam Kass to head the White House Food Initiative. And we know how Kass feels about food... he agrees with us!
All of this positive PR for organics feels very threatening to Big Ag. So one group, the Mid America CropLife Association, has sent an email defending chemical ag to Mrs. Obama. See the letter reprinted below.

full post with letter....

jez it's time to take this planet back and live with the natural world on our side

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that big chemical ag business is more concerned that with Michelle Obama's example of growing organic foods at the White House, will in turn encourage the citizens of this country to demand more organically grown produce. I know most of us are tired of the questions about our food: Where did it come from? What pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers were used?
We want to know what it is we are putting in our bodies and what these chemical additives are doing to us. If the American people demanded less chemicals, these big farmers would struggle to survive. Not that I mind. People would be surprised to see what corporate farms are. I think we have gotten so far from what farming is in our minds in this country, it's time we got back to our roots (pun intended)!